DEC 2012, add oil.



Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Implied message = childlike

sometimes i wondering,
why (some) people like to show off themselves?
what i mean is not about the wealth or he/she a well-known person,
is about the personality.

everyone are unique,
when you think you're expert in some way,
please be humble,
because there are a lot of people more brilliant and superb then you.

Be sparing about the way you criticize people, 
especially if you don't know them well. 
 If you criticize people for being stupid, foolish, etc.
they will lose respect for you,
then what you get is nothing.

everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses,
no matter who they are.

Self-praise is for losers. Be a winner. Stand for something.Always have class, and be humble. - John Madden

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